Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Banana chips

Bananas are known to build strong bones and make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Hence, this is a great and quick snack for the kids, and also the perfect addition to any lunch box!  Instead of buying packet chips for the kids, make these easy and nutritional banana chips for them; they will forget about buying other crisps in school lunch break.
Baked Banana Chips Collage 1 700x154 1 Lunch Box Idea   Banana chips
  • Bananas
  • Lemon juice
  • Water
  • Cinnamon (optional)
  • Salt (optional)
banana chips3 Lunch Box Idea   Banana chips
  1. Slice bananas very thin (1/8″), brush with lemon juice mixed with just a little water. Sprinkle with cinnamon and salt..
  2. Bake at 250F for about 2 hours, turning after 90 minutes.
  3. Let the chips cool (the longer they cool the crispier they become).

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